By Jeff Waite on Jul 30, 2017 9:00:00 AM
Clip in hair extensions are an excellent way to give yourself a quick and free of commitment change of look. Imagining what you'd look like with longer hair? maybe even more volume? Well, extensions allow you to see how you'd look without the need to imagine it, just clip on some extensions and voilà!
But a very important question pops into anyone's mind whenever they're thinking about getting clip in extensions:
How on earth do you go about clipping them on your hair?
Well, that's what today's blog entry is here to answer.Here's what you'll need:
- A large hair clamp
- A brush
- 4 back of head clip in hair extensions: 2 with 3 clips and 2 with 4 clips.
- 6 side of head clip in hair extensions: 2 with 1 clip, 2 with 2 clips, and 2 with 3 clips.

Have everything? Great, let's start:
1. Comb your hair for a couple of minutes to smoothen it out and get rid of any tangles you might have. After your hair is smooth and detangled, go ahead and separate into two sections: the back of your head and the front of your head. The hair laying on your back is the hair we'll be clipping extensions onto.
2. Start by imagining a horizontal line at the back of your head, that's where we'll start parting the hair. For normal hair, picture this line somewhere around the middle of your ears, and a little bit lower than that for thicker hair.
Grab a handful of your hair on the back of your head, and lift it up into a nice bun, but don't grab all of it! Remember that clip in extensions need some hair to clip onto. Ideally, you should be seeing a thin layer of hair on the back of your head, not your nape. Now go ahead and secure that bun with a big hair clamp and we're ready to start clipping extensions!
3. Start by attaching a 3 clip hairpiece just below the parting you just made on your hair. Always start with the clip on the middle before securing the ones on the sides. After securing your extension in place, let the bun on the top of your hair drop down and brush your hair lightly to help the extension blend in with the rest of your hair.
The next part of this step is to divide your hair 3 to 4 centimeters above the extension you just placed. Your hair should look something like this by now: nape -> thin layer of hair -> first extension -> thin layer of hair. If the order is correct, now's the time to clip on the shortest 4 clip piece, just repeat the beginning of step 3 and you'll be good to go. And remember to brush between hair pieces!
Now go ahead and repeat the same process with the longest extension with 4 clips, and wrap the back up with the last 3 clip piece.
4. Let's start with the sides. The process is fairly similar to the back part of your hair, start by parting your hair around 3 to 4 centimeters above your ear, and start by clipping on a side extension with 2 clips.
After the 2 clip side extension is secured, repeat the same process for the 1 clip piece that should be somewhere near to your face, this one helps the other extensions better blend in, and the last 3 piece clip. Brush your hair to blend the extensions with your hair and move on to the other side.
And you're done! By now you should have even better-looking hair with great volume, shine, and movement.
Got any other question for us? Feel free to give us a call at our toll-free number 1-800-756-8585. We’ll be more than happy to help you with any other burning questions or doubts you might have!