Factory Direct Hair Systems for Men and Women

Factory Direct Hair Systems for Men and Women

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FREE Hair System Buyers' Guide!

Curious to learn in more detail the ins & outs of how to order your next hair system? This guide will help you:

  • Understand the different bases available
  • Choose the proper density & color (including highlights)
  • Different attachment methods
  • Place your order with confidence

Hair Haiku: Wigs In Poetry!

Did you know that December 22nd is National Haiku Day? Haikus are form of Japanese poetry that usually focuses on nature or ideas and are presented in a very specific format: 3 lines. The first and third lines contain five syllables and the second line has seven syllables.

Since we here at AdventHair.com known that our clients form an extremely diverse group of individuals, we wanted to take the time to share in this unique celebration, support the writers out there, and have some fun with hair in haiku format. If you have any of your own haiku, feel free to add them in the comments section or post them to AdventHair.com' Facebook page.

Here are some we came up with:

“Dapper and Dashing”

I flip my hair back,
thanks to Walker Bonding Tape
it does not fall off.

Custom Hair Piece

I would like to have
shoulder length curly blonde hair.
Sure! We can do that!

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