By Jeff Waite on Jul 8, 2011 3:31:52 PM
Did you know that Wimbledon champion Andre Agassi wore a wig during the 1990s to hide his baldness? The tennis legend has admitted that during one tennis match he actually struggled to keep it on top of his head—and lost the match as a result. He didn’t think there was anything else he could do. His hair was part of his identity. But it ended up turning into a huge fiasco. In his autobiography, Agassi recalls standing in the shower the evening before the tennis match. He said he felt his wig falling apart. He couldn’t go on the court without it, he felt—so he chose to clamp it on with hair clips. It took about 20 clips to keep it on. With each move he made on the court, he prayed that his wig wouldn’t fall down to the ground.Agassi ended up shaving his head not long after that. But could his stress and anxiety have been prevented? He was probably wearing a low-quality wig that just couldn’t hold up to the strain that a professional tennis player put on it. If he had chosen a quality hair system like the ones here at Advent Hair, we might see a completely different Agassi today. Our wigs and wig adhesives can put up with your lifestyle. Just give them a try!
You don’t have to be a chrome-dome like Agassi if you don’t want to.