Advent Hair Blog

Day Wearers vs Permanent Wearers: Which Type Are You?

Written by Jeff Waite | Jun 10, 2022 7:00:00 PM

There are two types of wig wearers in this wonderful wig-wearing world, the day wig wearer and the permanent wig wearer. There’s no ‘right’ way to wear a wig, both methods have their pros and cons and it ultimately comes down to personal preference and what suits your lifestyle. However, it’s important to remember that the bonding length will also be determined by your preferred attachment method, as some adhesives are designed for daily use and others fortnightly. Join us, your hair wearing experts, as we delve into the world of each wig wearer type and what products you’ll need to achieve your desired bond. 

Day Wig Wearers

Daily wig wearers take their hair replacement system off each night and attach it again every morning. The most common attachment method for day wearers is daily tape as it is easy to use, versatile, and can be applied to all base materials. Daily hair system wear is a popular option amongst people with sensitive skin as tape tends to be less invasive and aggressive due to the reduced exposure to chemicals. Daily tape is also an excellent choice for first-time wig wearers because it is easy to use and remove and very forgiving during the wig attachment process. Simply place the tape where you need it to go, attach the wig to your head, and let it cure. If you make a mistake, apply Walker’s Tape Weft Release Drip to loosen up the hold enough to adjust it into the correct position.

Removing your hair system each night gives both your scalp, natural hair, and hairpiece time to breathe and it preserves the wig by preventing knots and tangles created by tossing and turning. At night, or whenever you’re not wearing your hair replacement system, make sure to store it on a wig stand at room temperature in a dry and shaded space to help preserve it’s shape and color. And, take care when removing the tape as despite being one of the easier attachments to remove, it can be tempting to pull their hair system right off with the tape, damaging the natural hair and the hairpiece base in the process. 

Daily tape is available in many types, contours, and widths to accommodate all hairpiece shapes and sizes. Walker’s No Shine Tape and Blue Lace are great daily tape options for lace bases and Fine Mono. Avoid using tapes with a shine for lighter density hairpieces as it will be visible.

Permanent Wig Wearers 

Permanent wig wearers refer to anyone who wears a wig for an extended period of time. One of the main benefits for extended-wear bonds is that you don’t have to worry about attaching your hairpiece every morning or removing it at night. It feels more like your real hair and you can forget about it for weeks at a time. 

The bonding time can vary from one to six weeks depending on the strength of the adhesive. Though, you should always take a break after six weeks to give your head time to breathe and your hair sysem the tender loving wig care and maintenance it needs. A thorough cleanse and a deep condition will help preserve the hair replacement system and keep it looking and feeling its softest and shiniest self.

Extended wear hairpiece tape will hold your hair system in place for longer than 21 days and is a convenient and quick bonding method. Euro Flex Tape has small holes along the tape allowing the scalp to breathe and will hold the hairpiece in place for 4 - 6 weeks. True Tape’s Super Tape, Walker Tape Ultra Bond, or Max Adhesives Prodigy Tape are also reliable options for extended-wear bonds. While hairpiece tape is easy to apply and guarantees a secure attachment, removal can be more time consuming as bonding tape tends to leave a gooey residue on the scalp.

Liquid adhesives are another popular attachment method option for permanent wig wearers. Also called bonding adhesives or wig glue, they come in silicone-based and water-based formulas and are suitable for both perimeter bonding and full head bonding. Liquid adhesives are popular because they provide a stronger, more precise hair system bond and a natural hairline. Waterproof adhesives are also available, such as MAX Adhere 360, catering to the needs of wig wearers with an active lifestyle or living in hot and humid climates. Ghost Bond is a popular water-based adhesive for lace wig wearers that protects your bond from hot weather, oily scalps, heat, humidity, and hot weather. However, bear in mind that while wig glue keeps your wig tightly secured, if you don’t have a breathable lace wig base it can be easy to overheat and cause oils to build up underneath the hairpiece causing skin irritations. Also, liquid adhesives are not as easy to apply as tape and require some extra time and effort to attach, remove, and clear up!

Whether you choose to take your hair replacement system off each night, every couple of days, or every few weeks, always make time to take your wig off and allow your scalp and natural hair to breathe. It’s important to maintain a healthy scalp and a well-cared for wig in order to get the most out of your hair system. We also recommend having two wigs and rotating them. That way you can provide proper care for your hair systems and extend their lifespan as much as possible. 

Want to find out more about how to achieve the perfect hair piece bond and how to care for your wig? Check out our blog ‘Can you leave a hairpiece with glue on for a week?’.