Advent Hair Blog

How to Make your Own Homemade Shampoo?

Written by Jeff Waite | Aug 5, 2022 7:15:00 PM

Everyone knows the importance of having nice-looking hair. One of the first things that people notice about men or women is their hair. So, it’s essential that you take care of and appropriately maintain your hair. After all, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression!

It’s no secret that many products are made specifically to take care of your hair and ensure it gets the nourishment it requires. But, it doesn’t take an accountant to realize that, most of the time, these products aren’t on our shopping lists due to their costs. Big brands in the hair care business have different products for each need and suggest that buying their hair care set (shampoo, conditioner, moisture and shine creams, treatments, etc.) is the ideal way to get the hair that you’ve always dreamed of.

Although those products are great, they tend to rack up costs that might not be in your budget. So, does that mean that you’re destined to have shineless or dry hair? No, of course, it doesn’t! There are more than just hair salons, treatments, and expensive shampoos. Homemade products can also give your hair the vitamins and nourishment it needs without breaking the bank.

Many hair products can be made at home, but one of the most sought is shampoo. Many shampoos offer different benefits, but the wonder of homemade shampoo is that you can customize it to your very own needs!

Benefits of a Homemade Shampoo

Your hair appearance has much to do with what type of shampoo you use. You can find a rich variety of shampoos on the shelves of the stores. Unfortunately, most of these shampoos are filled with chemical and synthetic cleansers that strip hair of its natural oils and can be harmful to your health. The perfect solution for this issue is to make your shampoo with natural elements.

Homemade shampoos provide many benefits: natural ingredients, cost-efficient, and customizable to your specific hair needs. Do-it-yourself (DIY) shampoos are not standardized and aren’t limited to the one-size fits all condition that store cleansers enforce on us. On the contrary, DIY shampoos are highly individualized and designed by you.

Cost-efficient: Going to the hair salon weekly or monthly can make a dent in your savings. Buying those professional shampoos and the store-shelf sets can become pretty expensive for those who have other expenses around the house. DIY shampoos are excellent because you decide which ingredients to buy and the quantity of your shampoo. Every homemade shampoo has unique elements, but most of them are made up of things that you have around the house and natural ingredients that are affordable to any household.

No harmful chemicals or irritating toxins: When making a DIY shampoo, you get to choose which ingredients are used. This means that you can be sure to avoid hazardous chemicals that can hurt your health. Also, DIY shampoos are made with natural ingredients that can be found at home or easily obtained at a low cost. Some of these ingredients, like honey and baking soda, soothe and refresh the scalp, eliminating the irritation that may be caused by store-bought shampoos.

Customizable & fun: DIY shampoos offer the opportunity for you to make what your hair needs. The ingredients you choose will be based on your hair goals. As we all know, many DIY shampoo recipes are on the internet. Each of these has specific purposes, components, and scents. The fun part about DIY shampoos is that you can experiment with different scents and elements to achieve your desired result.

Homemade Shampoo Recipes

Recipe for Hair Fall/Loss: Aloe Vera Hair Growth Shampoo

Aloe Vera has long been known to provide countless hair benefits, making it a key ingredient in many commercial shampoos. These shampoos, however, contain additives and chemicals, too. That said, a DIY natural shampoo using aloe vera is supposed to be more effective than its commercial counterpart, especially when it comes to boosting hair growth.


  • 2 cups distilled water

  • 6 ounces of liquid castile soap

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel

  • 1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (skip if you have oily hair)

  • 40-50 drops essential oils (optional)


How to Make It

  • Boil the distilled water and then let it cool for a bit before adding the castile soap. Remember to mix the solution gently as you pour in the solvent.

  • Next, add the aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, and essential oils. Mix everything well and transfer it to a bottle (or jar) that can hold up to 3 cups of homemade hair growth shampoo.


Recipe for Damaged Hair: Invigorating Tea Tree Shampoo

Due to the daily demands of work and other stressors, our hair tends to get weary along with our body, making it more prone to damage. Likewise, various hair treatments (perming, hair coloring) can damage our mane when done regularly. The secret to nourishing damaged hair? Tea tree oil!

Tea tree oil helps cleanse the hair, starting from the roots by unclogging hair follicles. It also helps nourish and soothe the scalp, giving way to healthier hair that looks and feels fresh and energized.


  • 1/8 cup coconut milk

  • 2/3 cup baking soda

  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil

  • 20 drops tea tree oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil

  • 1/4 cup warm water


How to Make It

  • Just combine all ingredients in a clean shampoo bottle and shake well to mix - it’s that easy.

  • Also, remember to shake the mixture well before each use.


Recipe for Dandruff: Rosemary Essential Oil Shampoo

Baking soda is the base ingredient of this natural anti-dandruff shampoo, but the rosemary oil makes it even more effective against dandruff. Among the essential oils, rosemary has potent anti-fungal properties that can treat dandruff while soothing an itchy scalp. Not to mention that it smells good, too!


  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

  • 1 cup of warm water

  • 3-5 drops of rosemary oil

How to Make It

  • The ratio here is 1 tablespoon of baking soda for every cup of warm water and 3-5 drops of rosemary oil for every cup of the mixed solution. You can use an old but clean shampoo or soap bottle for storage and mix the solution (shake well) before application.

  • Use this daily with your commercial anti-dandruff shampoo and discover the power of natural DIY hair products.

Learning about your hair and your personal needs is the first step in any DIY shampoo adventure. Homemade shampoos will allow you to take control of your hair and your wallet. Also, it’ll enable you to fulfill your hair's specific needs, making it possible to obtain your desired hair.


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