Advent Hair Blog

How Long Will A Hair System Last?

Written by Jeff Waite | Jul 28, 2023 5:53:46 PM

Hair systems have emerged as a revolutionary solution for individuals battling hair loss, offering a chance to regain confidence and a youthful appearance. As a hair system expert, one common question I encounter is, "How long do hair systems last?"The answer isn't straightforward, as several factors influence the longevity of a hairpiece. In this blog, we'll explore the key determinants affecting the lifespan of hair systems and offer tips to extend their durability, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

1. Quality of Materials

The primary factor influencing the longevity of a hair system is the quality of materials used in its construction. High-quality human hair systems, crafted from natural hair, generally tend to last longer than synthetic options. Human hair offers greater durability and maintains its luster and texture over time, providing a more realistic and enduring solution. However, with advancements in synthetic hair technology, some premium synthetic hair systems can also offer impressive longevity and a natural appearance. Here, at Advent Hair, we care about quality!

2. Maintenance and Care

Regular and proper maintenance is crucial to prolonging the life of your hair system. Like natural hair, hairpieces require gentle care to retain their quality. Cleaning, conditioning, and styling should be done with specialized products designed for hair systems. Avoiding harsh chemicals and excessive heat styling can significantly extend the lifespan of your hairpiece. Following the care instructions provided by your hair system expert is essential for maximizing its durability.

3. Adhesive and Attachment

The method of attachment plays a vital role in determining how long a hair system will last. Depending on the adhesive used and how well it is maintained, the hairpiece can stay securely in place for weeks. Proper application and removal of the hair system are essential to prevent damage to both the hairpiece and your natural hair. Seeking guidance from a professional on the best attachment method for your lifestyle and skin type is crucial. Find the best hair attachment methods in our online store!

4. Frequency of Use

The frequency with which you wear your hair system also affects its lifespan. If you wear your hairpiece daily, it will naturally experience more wear and tear compared to occasional use. However, well-maintained hair systems can still provide excellent longevity even with regular wear.

5. Lifestyle and Activities

Your lifestyle and daily activities can impact the wear and tear on your hair system. Individuals with highly active lifestyles or those who engage in activities that lead to excessive sweating may need to take extra precautions to maintain their hairpiece. In such cases, choosing a more durable hair system, using additional adhesives, or opting for specialized products can help extend its lifespan.

6. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight, chlorine from swimming pools, and harsh weather conditions can affect the hair system's longevity. Wearing a hat or using hair products with UV protection can shield the hair from harmful sun rays while wearing a swim cap during pool sessions can protect the hair system from chlorine damage.

7. Repair

Even with the best care, hair systems will eventually show signs of wear over time. Regular maintenance by a professional, such as re-bonding or re-attaching the hairpiece, can help extend its life. However, it's essential to understand that hair systems are not permanent solutions. Depending on the quality and type of hair system, you may need to consider repairing them every few months to a year to ensure it maintains its natural look and feel. Check out our website and fill out our Repair Order Form to bring back your Hair System to its natural glory.

Embrace the transformative power of hair systems, and with proper care, you can enjoy a natural-looking and confident appearance for an extended period. Consult with our hair system expert to find the perfect solution that suits your needs and lifestyle, ensuring you make the most of this remarkable hair loss solution. And if you have doubts, don't hesitate to contact us! We would love to help you answer your questions.