Hair transplants are one option for hair loss restoration for both men and women. Usually, this involves transfer of hair from a "donor" region (usually located on the back lower portion of the head). Hair follicles from this donor region are then transplanted to the thinning or balding areas.
Hair transplant theory holds that the transplanted hair will not fall out, because these follicles were not prone to changes in DHT. This virtue allows them to be immune to pattern baldness problems, even upon transplant and relocation. Though a relatively expensive solution, there are some hair loss sufferers who have achieved desired results by using hair transplants.
First available in the '50s, hair transplants entered the scene as a costly and unrefined solution. Oftentimes, the outcome looked less than natural, and sometimes produced awkward-looking results. However, hair transplant technology has certainly advanced in the time since, and the procedure has become much less complex and rewarding.
In some popular transplant-based solutions, as many as 200 hairs per square inch can be inserted into the new location. Certainly comparatively, this has created a method of receiving hair transplants that requires fewer office visits and better per-visit results. Of course, before embarking on hair transplanting, you should compare your options, to assess whether transplants are the best method of restoration for you personally and financially.