Hair replacement costs certainly can run you more money than first meets the eye. With some high-priced Hair Replacement Studios charging hidden fees all over the place, you can end up paying thousands of dollars a year, simply for a solution that provides less than a perfect custom fit. By knowing what to avoid in hair replacement costs, you can find yourself a system that is high-quality - without the high prices.
The first dubious fee that is generally required is the "initiation fee," which is little more than an easy way for some hair replacement systems to obtain your money, should you become dissatisfied and leave the club or system. Many of the units you will begin receiving can run you nearly $1,000 per piece and few are custom fits. Add this to the constant pressure to "upgrade" your monthly payment and the cost of hair replacement can begin to climb.
Of course, when you deal with the technician, you will most likely be obligated to leave a tip for every small service. This, too, heaps added cost on your total hair replacement costs. In no time, you can find that hair replacement costs outweigh the type of service you're receiving - and even call into question the cost-effectiveness and quality of the product you receive, for what you're paying.
This is one reason that venturing online for custom hair solutions can be a wonderful idea. With staff that can meet your needs, and even locate a reasonably priced stylist in your area for you, every detail is taken care of, from start to finish. Moreover, you can spare yourself the insidious fees, all while saving nearly half of the cost of each hairpiece.
Got any other question for us? Feel free to call us. We’ll be more than happy to help you with any other burning questions or doubts you might have.
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